Why Travel Insurance Necessary?

Even the most frequent travelers delayed because it related to travel related insurance folmulir monotonous. Among all the formalities associated with travel, insurance is seen as the most unnecessary. If not required or paid for by the employer, the most frequent travelers in India see travel insurance as a liability and a waste of money that should be avoided whenever possible.

They also felt that the travel accident (if not too severe) is actually part of the travel experience. Let us take the example of Mr. Desai - a diamond merchant who travels around the world for business. After 15 years as a businessman Mr. Desai has experienced several accidents. After watching dozens of flights were canceled, stolen documents and money, he thought he had seen it all. but the final trip made him realize how wrong he was

During his trip to California, he suffered a life-threatening heart attack that required immediate surgery and two weeks in the hospital. Without travel insurance, he should come out near $ 200,000 (3 Crore Rupees) for medical expenses from his own pocket. Like Mr. Desai there are many tourists who do not bother to insure themselves mainly due to the limited number of days of stay during this visit and also because of the lack of awareness of the benefits that one can enjoy if insured.

Unexpected situations

Unpredictable weather conditions contribute substantially to the travel plans failed. Imagine getting stranded in a city like New York because of a snowstorm. the circumstances resulting in canceled or delayed flights. Not only the passengers needed to take care of the cost of living and food until the next mode of transport available but also lump surcharge for connecting flights missed. Adding to this is the uncertainty solely from how quickly things will return to normal.

During this time, if a person does not have insurance security, causing even the normal costs will burn a big hole in one's pocket and cause a major setback in the plan one. A blizzard or hurricane or natural disaster can batter your holiday and produce uncontrolled cost escalation. Ignoring the possibility of such a situation could lead to serious financial problems and mental anxiety.

In addition to natural disasters, health problems when traveling to the US can make you spend thousands of dollars. Given that, the high cost of treatment in the US, get travel insurance before you pack your bags entirely necessary to mitigate any risks that arise during the trip.

Preaching and Practice

Taking risks is essential but better safe than sorry!

There are some questions you should ask yourself honestly when trying to decide whether to buy
travel insurance:
  • What is the duration of your stay?
  • Can you afford the cost of a trip home if an emergency arises and you need to get back out of your schedule?
  • If you or someone traveling with you fall ill, will you afford treatment abroad?

Consider buying a basic policy, affordable and most importantly includes medical costs, the cost of cancellation and personal liability. There are five main categories of travel insurance:
  •     medical liability
  •     emergency medical evacuation
  •     Trip cancellation
  •     death by accident (in the common carrier)
If you require a more comprehensive policy can see add-ons such as the loss of checked-in luggage, delays etc. This will give you peace of mind while traveling and ensure effective coverage. According to your needs, you can pick and choose the most suitable plan for yourself.

When the bags are packed and you're ready to go, make sure you come back with good memories and not the bill.

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