Things to keep in mind when Buying Travel Insurance Policy

Today ideally that steps should be that of a meticulous plan that ensures a successful journey. And most experts would agree that the trip travel insurance is one of the most important aspects of planning a trip. Even the most experienced traveler can not rule out travel accident.

Equipped with the right travel insurance goes a long way in ensuring the safety of the complete financial contingencies to deal with travel.

With a choice not by chance

One of the most common mistakes committed travelers opt for insurance in a hurry and buy the deals that do not fit their needs. travel insurance these days can be easily purchased online and offline. This convenience but should not be an excuse to really examine what you need. Through various policy options and compare them. Saw some policy options will give you an idea of ​​what you'll need on your trip. Also research on the location you are visiting in terms of risk. For example. some places are known for mugging while others may be susceptible to political turmoil. Check out the best policies will cover you against these risks. Comparison today is very easy with a number of online tools.

Comprehensive cover

The extent of the cover is very important - especially medical cover. the cost of treatment abroad can be substantial. Simple Slip leading to multiple fractures or sudden cardiac arrest may require immediate hospitalization. And one day in the hospital in the United States can cost between INR 2 -3 lakh. What's more is that if the operation involved and stay rose to a week or more, the total bill can cross one crore INR. A good policy should ideally be offered at least $ 100, 000 in the case of medical cover.

What all is included in the policy: You must ensure that your policy covers most of the risks traveler might encounter. Given are some blanket policy should have over and above the medical evacuation and medical cover.

Trip delay / cancellation / interruption

Reimbursement provided for an additional cost if the trip is delayed beyond the period, due to flight problems, medical problems, personal work issues or natural disasters. It also includes the cancellation or disruption by offering payments to prepaid payment can not be refunded or additional costs incurred in the trip is canceled or interrupted due to health problems, work issues of personal or natural disaster.

Missed Connection

Allowance payments made to the additional costs incurred, if the next connecting flight missed confirmed at the point of transfer by the insured / insured because of late arrival or cancellation of incoming confirmed connecting scheduled flights.

Loss of Deposit or cancellation - Hotel and Airline

Compensation paid for loss of deposits can not be canceled or fees paid in advance in case, cancellation is very important and can not be avoided from booking hotels and plane.

Loss of passport, traveler's checks, travel tickets / archive documents

Replacement cost of concrete is formed in connection with obtaining a duplicate or a new passport or a reasonable cost replacement / obtain documents stolen / ticket if the passport belongs to the Insured / Insured lost.

    Emergency Financial Assistance: Arrangement of emergency cash in case of loss of travel funds for theft, mugging, robbery and dacoity.

Delays or Total Loss baggage check-in

Payment of compensation for reasonable costs incurred for the purchase of toiletries, clothes and medicines due to delays in the payment of the total baggage or checked baggage loss caused by common carrier check-in.

Personal accident

Payment of compensation in case of injury accidents during the trip resulting in death or permanent Total Disability or Partial Permanent Disability.

Personal liability

The obligation of compensation for losses paid / payable to a third party, resulting from death, injury or damage to health or property caused accidentally.

Daily allowance in case of hospitalization

Payment of daily allowance for the days hospitalized outside the specified number of days,

Visit loving

Replacement round trip and stay costs of a close family member to visit the insured if he / she was hospitalized for more than seven consecutive days. Replacement cost of return of the Insured to visit the original place in the case of immediate family members (spouse, dependent children or parents) who are hospitalized for more than seven consecutive days in India or in the event of death.

Plowing Distress Allowance

Hardship allowance payments in case of hijack of a common carrier for more than the number of hours while on a trip.

Home Fire & Contents Insurance

Cover against loss or damage of Content at Home Insured in India, due to fire and allied peril or through theft and / or steal while the insured is traveling abroad.

Flights solid

Provides for indemnifying the insured / insured for the costs incurred, if denied boarding of an aircraft in scheduled commercial flight because of over-booking.

Bail bonds

Provide payments for bail on behalf Insured if he / she is arrested or detained by police or prosecutors, to any bailable offense while on trips abroad.

Legal weight

Payment of legal costs and expenses incurred by the insured against third-party claims for compensation in case of death or disability arising from injury while on trips abroad.

Emergency accommodation

Payment of compensation for the additional costs of emergency accommodation if the insured / insured can not stay in the accommodation originally booked because of fires, floods, earthquakes, storms, hurricanes, explosions, major infectious disease outbreak.

What is not covered

One should always be aware of the various exceptions in his / her policy. It means getting to know what all that is not covered in the itinerary (insurance). For eg some travel policies do not cover injuries caused by adventure sports and if you are a sports fan, a policy that does not suit you. Instead of that you should look for one that also includes adventure sports. Hence it is always advisable that one should check the exclusions in the policy before buying the same.


It is advisable to check how credible the company is settling claims. IRDA online review and publish the data can provide a clear picture of how fast is not an insurance company resolve such claims comparison with the average insurance company.

International network

Always choose an insurance company that has a good international network. As the many benefits of travel policies such as medical evacuation, emergency financial assistance is purely dependent on the insurance company's network. Many insurance companies in India is a joint venture between an Indian entities and insurance companies of global repute. such organizations usually offer products at affordable prices India with the benefit of a strong international network.

Always go to protect the family

If one is traveling with the family he / she should choose to cover one group instead of individuals. family policy works out cheaper than buying individual policies when buying coverings family but we also have to keep the following things in mind:
1. The number of family members covered by the plan.
2. Maximum age limit allowed individuals to be included in the plan.
3. Also one must give details of the right age for insurance companies, the incorrect information will lead to the cancellation policy as well.

Taking the appropriate usage policies you
Of anxiety or due to become more aware, some tourists often buy a policy that covers a lot of other things that they do not require and thus they end up paying extra.

Look for customized plans

It is highly recommended to if you sign up for travel insurance plan that meets your specific needs. For eg if you travel frequently, you must register for a frequent flier policy, rather than buying a separate policy each time you travel. Similarly, there is a plan that has been available for travel maniac / backpackers, as backpackers insurance provides cover for the entire 12 months. So if you have been wearing shoes and off travel around the world with your backpack, backpackers travel plans quite appropriate for you rather frequent flyer or regular travel insurance plan.

In short such as travel insurance products of other insurance products must also be purchased with the sole purpose of protection and should not be bought because it is mandatory in certain countries. travel insurance today is a must for any international travelers to less hassle and tension free trip.

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