5 Car Insurance Hacks Might Help Save Your Money

5 Money Saving Auto Insurance Hacks
1. Invest in security equipment for your car

There are a variety of safety-enhancing features for out there that can protect you and your passengers, while also helping to lower your insurance rates. Some of the add-on might even prevent thieves breaking into your vehicle. And you might already have in your car.

Here are some features that can help you save:
  • Car alarm
  • The driver and passenger side air bags
  • Side impact safety shield
  • Tracking and disabling devices
  • Etched window / glass
  • Anti-lock brakes (ABS)
The next time you get an insurance quote, make sure you know all the security features of your car. Edmunds.com examples of websites that let you search for stock security features for your make and model.

2. Increase your deductible

Increase your deductible can significantly lower your car insurance premium. But before you make these adjustments, be aware that the trade-off is a high risk assumption on for you. We often need car insurance when we least expect it, so make sure you are prepared financially to the cost of out-of-pocket in the event of a claim. If you can comfortably set aside a piece of change, increasing your deductible can help you save a huge amount of money on your premium.

3. Some policies Bundle

Do you drive a car or some, owning a home or rent, insure all your property with the same insurance company can help you save money with additional discounts on your policy. Many companies are also able to issue a single bill for all the policies that have been borne by them, making it fast and easy for you to organize and manage your monthly budget. Bundling together less work for you, less work for your insurance company, and alluring incentives lower rates.

4. Keep your car parked in the garage

Statistics show that the vehicle is parked in the garage tends to be stolen or involved in an accident. So while it may not make a tremendous impact on your premium, park your car in a garage overnight, instead of the road, can lower your rate by a particular insurance.

5. Inform your insurance company from your class has completed

Did you know that many car insurance companies offer discounts for drivers who take courses to improve their driving skills? While this varies from country to country, there are generally two categories of classes that are available.

Driver education classes

These courses are usually available for people with little or no experience of driving.

Defensive driving class

These classes are often available for a more mature driver (50 years and older) and can be taken every few years to help you save on your insurance.

For large insurance tips, check out the blog Insurance Financial Answer Center.

Please note: The information provided above is general and does not necessarily reflect the policy or discount available through Esurance Esurance. Esurance The discount amount varies and is not available in all countries.

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