Life insurance : Create Lifeline that will last a lifetime

You may have heard the phrase before: "there are some things in this world can be known, except for death and taxes." But who wants to think about it? We understand that death is not a pleasant thought, and not one you want to think about often.

But, we ask you to think about it, at least once - because it can not be known. life insurance advisers we work with you and your family to provide the protection you need.

It is hard to understand the financial impact of the death of a primary breadwinner can have a family. Consider this excerpt from a real-life stories shared at the conference life insurance:

My mother did not have life insurance because no one ever talked to him about it, and, as a result, he never thought to buy it. funeral paid for by money sent from relatives in Iran. But my sister and I were left with nothing but her thing her furniture, clothing, and his car. Even then, everything was sold out, little by little, just to help us get by. Selling clothes is something that most of us do not think about, but when this outfit carries the scent of the person you love with all your heart, let go of even the simplest of things, just to survive, is very difficult.

Without life insurance, how your family will survive if the primary breadwinner died?

Lack of financial support may very well put an abrupt halt to plans for the future: the university; College; money to start a business; even homes.

Plus, other ongoing costs:
  • Mortgage debt
  • Vehicles and credit card debt, and all other debts
  • Funeral costs
  • The cost of living in the future
  • Future education costs
The thing that makes it interesting that life insurance can cost so little, especially if purchased early in life.

If you want to learn more about Life Insurance, or you want to review your current life insurance, critical illness insurance, or disability insurance coverage, come see what it can do for your Huestis Insurance Group. We have 50 offices that serve Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island.

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